Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 6: My friend's friend's friend's friend's friend is my friend too!

It's already day 6, our last day in Sweden! We're writing from the apartment of a friend of a friend of a friend (also now known as our friend, Amy) in Lund, where we've stayed for the last three nights. Lund has been a blast! Here's a quick recap of our adventure here:

On Thursday afternoon, we piled into a little KIA five-seater with a trunk and backseat full of bags with three of Kiyoko's friends from Uppsala -Anna, Marisa and Guilhem for the beginning of a near 10 hour drive down to Lund. There were like, thirty people making this trip, all from different times of the day (and all who know Kiyoko- she's a superstar).
Along the way, Marisa gave me a brief stick-shift driving lesson before I concluded that I couldn't drive on the highway on the same day, and then we caught up with two more cars and switched drivers.

We finally arrived in Lund around 12 AM and after driving around town for at least half an hour, found a random parking lot and field across an apartment complex to camp out for the night. We hadn't made any plans for accommodation or parking so this was the best we could do! Some of us pitched our tents, some slept outside under the stars and some slept in cars. We blasted music from the cars and peed in the bushes. It was very hippy.

While we camped out, we ate lots of Knäckebröd (Swedish bready cracker thing) and caviar in a tube- very Swedish food.

It was yummy.

Onto friday!
We were woken up by a couple of the Spaniards in the group going "WAKE UP! IT'S EIGHT O'CLOCK!" We packed up our stuff to put in the car and walked around town to get our tickets to Lundakarnevalen. And then we had a good time. There were booths and food and we had some cotton candy.

We're going to display our pictures and have captions now, since it's probably easier for both of us: for us to write and you to read. so here goes:

The group taking a mid-day nap outside

Special Lundakarnevalen beer can!

A float from the parade we watched on Saturday- lots of spoofs on current events and stuff. This one's making fun of Sweden. Swedes are funny.

We visited Malmo on Sunday! It's a nearby city.

Leningrad cowboys- we watched them at the carnival

AMY TAN! She's a rockstar. She's a friend of a friend of Kiyoko who goes to school in Lund and let us stay at her place the last three nights. She has a friend whose friend is our friend from Seisen. This morning we made curry! Thanks Amy!

We're off to Copenhagen now where we're staying with our first couchsurfing host!

Thanks everyone for a great time in Lund!

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